Wetherby Golf Club
Membership Categories

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Categories of Membership

Categories of membership and current prices are summarised here:

Playing Member is a member entitled to play the course subject to any restrictions made by the club.

Playing memberships include:
7-Day member; a member permitted to play 7 days of the week
6-Day member; a member permitted to play Sunday to Friday (not available to new applicants)
5-Day member; a member permitted to play Monday to Friday (not available to new applicants)

Country Member is a member entitled to play the course 7 days of the week, subject to any restrictions made by the club and whose main residence is fifty miles or more from the clubhouse (shortest distance by road).

Honorary Life Member is a Member, nominated by the Board for special services to the game of golf or to the Club. The name of such a Member shall be posted on the Club’s Honours Board. Any such Member shall continue to hold his class of Membership and to enjoy the rights and privileges of such Membership, without payment of any subscription until his resignation.

Intermediate Member is a Member, aged 18yrs to 39yrs inclusive, permitted to play 7 days a week.

Junior Member is a member who has attained the age of 7yrs but not attained the age of 18yrs on 1 July, and who is entitled to play the course, subject to any restrictions made by the club.

Student in Full Time Education is a Member who can play 7 days a week. Proof of their Student status will be required.

Academy Member is a Member new to the game of golf and who enters into our Coaching Programme - the first stepping stone into golf membership

Apprentice Member is a Member who has completed the Coaching Programme and who is ready and supported by the Club’s Head Professional to move towards full playing membership. This category allows play on the course on certain times to gain confidence and to gain a golf handicap.

Social Member is a non-playing Member who shall be permitted use of the Clubhouse facilities at all times and may attend all the functions organised by the Club subject to any restrictions made by the club.

Please note all categories are subject to availability, there may be times when a category is closed to new members.

Click here to view / download information on our categories and pricing